Dream Life - What It Takes To Create An Extraordinary Life


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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm gonna share some deep thoughts about what it takes to really create an extraordinary kind of life a kind of life that you might dream about the kind of life that you would think is transformational for you but the kind of life that you might also really doubt whether it's possible for you in reality I want to talk about how to really make it happen [Music] hey okay welcome back so let's talk about how to go about creating an extraordinary life before we do though I want to talk about a little anecdote that I remember hearing a long long time ago as a kid and it went something like this there was an old village out near a forest so this is an old-timey type of village and in this village you know they had shopkeepers they had they had bread makers and and an artisans and in craftsmen and just residents living there and one of the residents there was an old lady and one night she just went out in to the woods and she went off into the woods in order to do some chore and then in the woods as she was strolling through doing her thing she came across a hungry savage wolf this wolf just ran up to her and started growling it just opened its big mouth its teeth its fangs you could see them salivating its tongue was sticking out it was stalling at her it was ready to bite her and this woman she was terrified she didn't know what she was gonna do a grown man could not fend off a wolf of that size and would be scared because of those sharp teeth nothing in your hands you have no weapon you have nothing to fight it off with what do you do it's right there it's in your face so what did she do well she Mustard's some courage she reached out her hand she grabbed the wolf by the tongue pulled the tongue out took the wolf by the tongue held it so tight that the wolf couldn't even do anything couldn't bite down and dragged that wolf all the way back to the village where finally when she got it back to the village somebody was able to Club it to death over the head all the time she was holding that wolf by the tongue kind of cool huh well what does this have to do with our topic creating an extraordinary life well I've been getting some comments on YouTube that I was looking at and I was just thinking about more generally you know what is it really gonna take because what I want for you guys what gets me passion about putting out these videos and just doing what I do is not to give you a little boost and improvement in your life I mean sure it's nice I can give you a little tip a little piece of advice a little trick that will help you to you know get a better job smoothing out that relationship attract that girlfriend or boyfriend that you want maybe improve your your marriage get your health and do the better or improve your psychology in some way stop some of that negative thinking that you always go into so we have takes trips yeah tricks and tips for solving those little problems and those are what I would call techniques but what I really want you to buy into and this is a problem this is the idea of buying into something you have to buy into the idea that you want to live your life big it's kind of like an all-or-nothing thing if you have asked your life you're gonna get a mediocre life I hope you realized that this is what I'm trying to drive home to you and that's the reason that I use this example of the woman the old woman with the wolf is in that scenario there was either two ways that that was gonna play out one was that the wolf was gonna maul her and it was gonna eat her and there was nothing she was gonna do about it - is the she could have gone full out mustered the courage to get in there and grab that wolf by the tongue and not let go think about what that takes this is not a piddly little commitment this is a commitment that you're making to yourself that you want to go full-out your all-in you have to be all-in this is your life you've only got one of them this woman she realized that if she was just gonna gently move her hand towards the wolf what was gonna do it was gonna bite it off she either had to reach in there and grab it and hold on for life and never let go or she was doomed that's kind of what I'm trying to drive out you home here I'm trying to drive this home for you is that stop looking for the quick little solution stop looking for that little one tip or trick that's gonna just make your life great that's not how to create an extraordinary life that is how to patch up a mediocre life and maintain mediocrity so I see sometimes people posting like well that might be a little too hard to do this thing here is not practical this thing doesn't work that it up look it works if you do it and you're committed to it and many of the things that I'm sharing with you will not work if you have acid and the important thing here for me is not to teach you a technique it's not to give you a tip I mean that kind of draws you in this channel or this video or this website you might look at and say okay here's some quick little tricks that I can use to make my steel myself feel a little happier to make myself a little bit richer to improve my health a little bit and that's great that will draw you in but I also want to be real with you here is that even though we can give you these little patches to your mediocre life what we're really after here my mission is to transform your life to revolutionize your life I want you to be living an amazing life all right something big and you know what I'm talking about here this is the kind of life that you envision for yourself at some point maybe when you were a kid maybe in high school maybe in college maybe afterwards maybe just a few years ago and maybe now you've kind of forgotten about it because what tends to happen is that everyday life overwhelms us and we are faced with business concerns family concerns money concerns medical problems relationship problems all of this stuff comes up and it tends to take our focus away from the big picture and what I have been thinking about lately is this idea and I think this is so so so true is that people who are struggling in their lives people who do not have their lives together and I'm just talking about even a baseline level who do not have a baseline level of a good life the reason that is is not because they're thinking too big it's because they're thinking too small they think too small and so they get what they think they get a small life and then they rationalize it to themselves by saying well if I stop big that would be too ambitious if I thought big that would be too bold if I thought big that would be too idealistic that doesn't work in the real world let me tell you it does work the reason you're saying that is because you're actually not living up to deeper issues that you need to resolve within your own ego well you're not living up to is you're not living up to the courage that you need to go out there and to live an extraordinary life this takes courage if you had one element that could help you really succeed here if I could wish for one thing for you to have personally as a personal trait I would say it's fearlessness I want you to be fearless I want you to be courageous because all these things that I'm talking about to have them function for you and to have them build up to the kind of life that you want to even go and put yourself on a path towards building a big life you have to have the courage to delve into that that is not going to be something that it's done overnight that is not something that's going to be easy you are gonna have times when you are gonna want to quit you're gonna have times when you're gonna want to cry you're gonna have nights where you're just gonna want to curl up on the couch in a fetal position and cry yourself to sleep you're gonna have nights like that and you know what that's okay because what you're after is you're after something bigger what's really sad is living that kind of mediocre life that you're living right now that is what's really sad working your ass off for something big and struggling through that that's not sad that is the glory of life that is what grows you that is what inspires you that's what motivates you and that's what motivates other people when other people see you living this kind of life when you see yourself living this kind of life just imagine what kind of challenges you have now will just melt away this is an interesting point because a lot of times people that are stuck in a mediocre or even a really bad frustrating painful kind of life will say well I've got bigger fish to fry I got to pay my mortgage I've got very practical things to think about I might I might lose my child in my divorce all right so I need to really focus on that I might lose my job so I really need to focus on that I've got serious medical problems I got to focus on that so some of these ideas that you're throwing at me are too too far out there right they're just they're a little bit too wishy-washy a little bit too wishful thinking nothing could be further from the truth what I'm throwing at you is extremely practical but it's also not the way that you've been conditioned to think and I do this on purpose because this is a huge huge huge problem is that growing up in our society as we do the way that we're raised with our parents with our siblings with the media that we're just bombarded with the way we grow up is that we we have these assumptions and we don't even realize that we have them and these assumptions suppress us they keep us down they keep us from really going out there and living our dream getting our gifts to the world unleashing our full potential to do that takes something more and I think you you can realize this if you just think about a little bit people that go above and beyond people that unleash their full potential would you say those people are common or those people are rare they're rare right it's not every day that you meet someone like that and the reason is is that you can say I use this word a little bit of caution you can say that it's unnatural it's unnatural in the sense that it's very much more easy to be lazy to be complacent to be mediocre and just to do the things that are easy from society standpoint easy from the standpoint of growing up in our culture and then just kind of rolling with the flow not being very conscious not being very ambitious not being very deliberate not setting something bigger for yourself and then working towards it and then working on yourself along the way so you can stay on that path realizing that this takes time realizing that you're making an investment in yourself and that is the deepest investment that you can make there is no greater investment that you can make that in yourself because from yourself stems everything else your relationships your health your money your business your creative output comes from you so one of these assumptions that I'm getting out here is the assumption that life is dangerous that life is scary sometimes we tend to grow up and even as kids you know we grow up and our parents try to do the best they can to create kind of a safe little bubble for us as we're growing up they try not to put too much on us they try not to tell us shocking truths about the world because they think that we need to be protected and they want to preserve that innocence but even though that's going on kids were smart and we understand growing up that underlying all of that there's just this general sense this notion that somehow the world is dangerous that somehow reality is harsh and that will come and it will knock you down it will beat you down and as a result what you have to do is you have to be very cautious you have to be conservative you have to be careful with the way that you conduct your affairs with the way that you talk to other people make sure you don't upset them make sure you don't say anything rude and impolite make sure that you don't challenge the status quo whatever you do don't question the religion in your church whatever you do don't question the values of your society whatever you do don't be that rabble rouser at work who's questioning the direction of the company or the direction of management or at school don't question the things that are going on at school don't question what your friends are doing don't question what your friends are pulling you into do we just have this assumption it's very deep this assumption and what it prevents us from doing is it prevents us from reaching out and grabbing that wolf by the tongue imagine how you would live your life if you were fully conscious of the fact that your life will be over like that in a split second relative to the time of the universe to the time of this planet your life is going to be over like that a quarter of it a third of it half of it maybe two-thirds of it are already over so what do you got left right now you've probably got another little what 20 30 40 years left that's about it maybe 50 years if you really take care of your health but many of you are not even doing that that's all you got left and what you're telling yourself whether consciously or subconsciously and I want you to find the points where you're telling yourself this is your telling yourself somewhere in your life that it's more safe to be conservative and to hold back than it is to go all out you're not going all in are you I know you're not you're definitely not because if you are then you are scared you are afraid you're struggling you're having a hard time because it's hard to do that it's hard to go all in it takes a lot of balls takes courage but you know what the even greater danger the even greater risk is to really not commit at all and to live a lukewarm kind of life a kind of life where you just hum along and then you Peter out and it's like a firework that failed to explode and it just leaves you going oh well I wish that one better where was the Bang where was the spark where was the flash it didn't happen he just kind of sputtered and then snuffed itself out and petered out no Big Bang no flash nothing big nothing nothing meaningful nothing significant with your life it didn't happen and you know why that is that's because you're up or any others assumption and you're holding yourself back I know you're holding yourself back because I know that after even doing years of work on myself pushing myself as hard as I do I'm still nowhere near to the level of development that I need to be at to be giving my full giving my all nowhere near because I have too many fears that I'm not facing too many limiting beliefs too many assumptions that I'm buying into all this horseshit that is keeping me back and I'm tired of it I don't want it I want to live the kind of life where I'm given in my Hall and if it doesn't work so what so what the thing that I would regret the most is to have not really tried to have given it a half-ass attempt how miserable will I be on my deathbed how miserable will I be if that ends up being the case you can only hope for a quick death at that point because there's gonna be only one of two things they're gonna happen you're gonna have either a quick death we're gonna have a slow drawn-out death a quick death would be something like dying in a plane crash or in a car accident BAM and you're gone and you don't even have time to reflect to think about what you did or did not do in life and if you're living a mediocre kind of life then you should wish that for yourself because the alternative is gonna be very very bad here's what the alternatives gonna be is that you're gonna go a little bit older gonna go a little bit older a little bit older and you're not going to be quite as strong as you used to be not quite as vital as you used to be not quite as much energy as you used to have all of a sudden your brain is not gonna work quite as well as it used to your health it's gonna start to deteriorate you're gonna start to become slow and hunchbacked and then you're gonna start you're going to start to pull out of the world you're gonna stop creating gonna stop contributing and slowly you're gonna decay like that you're gonna decay and decay and decay decay and as that's happening you're gonna see it happen to you you're gonna see it and you're gonna think it back and you're gonna think about how wonderful the twenties were how wonderful the 30s were how wonderful the 40s and the 50s were even the 60s how wonderful that time was and how much you could have accomplished and how big of a life you could have led if you had just taken that wolf by the tongue and committed full-out and you're gonna see when you're 80 or 90 years old lying there on your deathbed or getting close you're gonna start to see and the biggest thing you're gonna tell yourself is why was I so afraid why didn't I just go in all-in I mean so what what would have happened yes the world is not all rainbows and butterflies there's real danger in the world there's real problems you get yourself into the world but you know what the biggest problem is it's not the most painful problem but it's certainly the most prevalent problem right now in society especially in first world countries it's the problem of mediocrity that is the real problem the real danger is not that you're going to get attacked by burglars or that someone is going to swindle you or that you're gonna lose all your money in the stock market or that something bad is gonna happen to your family or that you're gonna lose your prized possessions like your car in your house and your jewelry or your iPhone or you're gonna lose that novel that you've been writing those are not the real dangers the real danger is that you take no action at all the real danger is that you listen to this video and then you go on and you say that was nice that was profound that was inspiring and the next day you do nothing at all you go and you watch another video and then the next day you go and you watch another video and then you watch some more television and then you go do a bit of shopping and then you go to your work and you do your normal 9:00 to 5:00 and then you go and you do your standard routine in your relationship or in your marriage and a standard thing with your family with your kids and that is how your life runs eventually it runs into the ground and nothing happens and what you're left with is you're left with regret and you're left with pain is that what you want for yourself ask yourself this is the time if not now than when are you going to commit to transforming your life into doing whatever it takes whatever it takes because I can guarantee you it's gonna take everything you've got right now and more it's gonna take everything and more and if you're not willing to put in that effort if it's not worth it to you to put any effort to live an extraordinary excellent life where you are doing something meaningful for Humanity where you are giving your full potential where you are being an excellent human being where you are self actualized where you are mastering yourself when you are creating things not just for you but for the rest of the world and for your family and for your friends then you're already dead alright this is leo signing off please leave me your comments about this like this share this with a friend get somebody else joining our cause creating an awesome life and of course check out actualized org where i'm committed to providing you with all the resources that you could possibly want to understand yourself and understand how life works so that you can move on and you can stay on track with this path if you've been on the path before and you fallen off track I know how difficult that is you know how difficult it is so you know that you need a little bit extra push you need a little bit extra motivation every little bit that you can get every extra idea that you can get to keep you moving towards that ultimate goal that you've got that extraordinary life you want every possible chance of making it work because there's a tough road to hoe and so we've got articles coming out videos coming out free bonuses downloads all sorts of awesome stuff at actualise org you can sign up to the newsletter there where you're gonna get immediately two free exclusive bonuses that you can't find anywhere else you get a nineteen part video series about how to bust through your top 19 limiting beliefs specifically limiting beliefs about starting and awesome kind of life so I talked about why people are not living in awesome kind of life in more depth I'm talking about the nineteen limiting beliefs that really hold them back and I also give you quick practical ideas for how to start busting them right now and then of course you can also sign up you will get a chance to win two hours of free coaching I'm a life coach I like to do coaching and I like to give away two free hours every month to my subscribers so go ahead and sign up there you